Monday 21 April 2014

High Schooler Suspended for Inviting Miss America To Prom

Miss America Begs School To Revoke Student Suspension

There’s been plenty of controversy surrounding a teenage boy who had the courage to ask Miss America to prom and earned himself 3 days of suspension as a result. Everyone from public tweeters to the the high school senior himself have shared their opinions on the matter, and now Nina Davuluri is speaking out.

Nina Davuluri, 25, was flattered when 18-year old, Patrick Farve interrupted her question-and-answer session at a Pennsylvania high school to present her with a flower and a very public invitation to prom. Patrick’s classmates thought his move was awesome, but the administration was furious. Click below to read what Nina has to say about the controversial issue!

Pennsylvania Student Receives 3 Day Suspension For Prom Proposal

Nina was not at all offended by Patrick’s stunt. She actually responded with laughter before continuing on with the question-and-answer. She later released an official statement expressing her desire for mercy on the young teen:
Yesterday, a student invited me to prom and gave me a flower while I was giving a presentation in York, Pennsylvania. I was flattered by the gesture although I am unfortunately unable to attend due to my travel schedule. I later learned of the disciplinary action taken and reached out to the school in hopes that they will reconsider their decision.
Meeting and interacting with students across the country has been an important and rewarding part of my year as Miss America. I always encourage students to follow their dreams through education, and I’m inspired daily by the enthusiasm and aspirations of the bright young adults I have the pleasure of meeting through my travels.”
If Nina isn’t upset, then why should the school be?

Nina Davuluri Defends Suspended High School Student

When Patrick decided it was a good idea to propose to Miss America in front of his entire school, getting suspended was the last thing on his mind.
Like any teenage boy, he saw the act as harmless and comical, but his administration felt otherwise. After hearing word that Patrick planned to pop the question, administrators say they clearly told him not to go through with the stunt.
The school district released a statement explaining that he is not receiving suspension for the mere act of asking Nina to prom, but because he went against authority’s orders:
“It is not our practice to discipline a student for asking someone – even Miss America – to a school dance,” it said. “However, it is our practice to set expectations for student behavior, to communicate those expectations and rules to students and families and to ensure those rules are followed within our schools.”
Miss America and the school district clearly have opposing views on this issue. Do you think the suspension is fair? Comment below and share your thoughts.

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