Friday 27 November 2015

101 Romantic Date Ideas & Fun First Dates Ideas

Are you looking for some romantic date ideas or fun things to do on a first date with your special someone?  There are few better ways to add some good old-fashioned romantic ideas to your relationship or marriage than taking your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend out on a thoughtful, fun date. Whether it’s your first date or you’ve been together for fifty years, an original, special romantic date will refresh your relationship and help you and your lover fall in love with each other all over again.

The possibilities for unique fun romantic date ideas are endless. Regardless of where you live or what your circumstances are, fresh romantic ideas for dates surround all of us. What might seem commonplace to one person can, with a little old-fashioned romance, be turned into an amazing, exciting idea for a date with your special someone.

While browsing through our fun romantic date ideas, also consider renewing your vows if you are married with a unique engagement ring to compliment your wedding ring, such as with pink sapphire engagement rings.

Below are 101 fun romantic date ideas, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to possibilities for you and your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. Use this list to come up with fresh dating ideas of your own, and leave a comment if you think of any that should be on the list!

Dates are always suppose to be fun and memorable.  Consider using online coupon codes to help prepare for your special date and to make it one neither of you will ever forget.

101 Fun Romantic Date Ideas & First Date Ideas

A date at your favorite coffee shop
A date at the local park
A romantic picnic date
A date to a baseball game
A romantic afternoon walk together
A date to fly a kite together
A date at the beach on a sunny day
A putt-putt golf date
A horseback riding date
A canoing date
A date to a soccer game
A romantic camping trip date
A date to a classic car show
A date to the local spa to pamper each other
A date to the local zoo
A date running a marathon or jogging together
A date at a high-class cocktail lounge or restaurant
A date to test-drive new cars together
A date to a volleyball game
A date to learn to para-sail together
A date cooking a romantic meal together
A date to meet each other’s family members
A date at the local museum
A date to the county fair
A birdwatching date
A date to pick fruit together at a local orchard
A date to take your kids, nieces or nephews to the park
A roller-blading or rollerskating date
A date to a football game
A date to tour new homes together
A date to learn to scuba dive together
A date to carve pumpkins together for Halloween
A date to the local flea market
A date to ride a romantic ferris wheel together
A date to look at flowers at the local greenhouse
A date to watch a romantic DVD or video together at home
A date to go on a hiking trip together
A date to play a round at the local golf course
A romantic dinner date at a four-star restaurant
A whitewater rafting date
A date to window shop at a nice shopping center
A date to go fishing together
A date to a basketball game
A date to a local art gallery
A date to color eggs together for Easter
A romantic tour of local historic places
A date to build a snowman together
A date at the first place you ever went out together
A date to a local air-show
A rock-climbing date
A date at the local mall arcade to play games together
A date to buy ice-cream on a hot day
A date to go to your local comedy club for some laughs
A date to pick wildflowers together
A date to tour local college campuses
A date to a hockey game
A date to an aquarium
A date to go boating together on a nice, clear day
A date to learn surfing together at the beach
A date to a play or a live stage show
The classic “dinner and a movie” date
A romantic afternoon sharing old pictures from your childhood
A date to the planetarium or science center
A date to a carnival
An afternoon sightseeing drive on a nice day
A date to a batting cage
A romantic ride in a horse-drawn carriage
A date to your local bookstore
A date to the pet store to pick out a pet together
A date to a boxing match
A date to the gym to exercise together
A date to a karaoke bar for some singing
A date to build a sandcastle together at the beach
A date to wash your cars together
A date to the horse-racing track
A date to your local pool or swimming hole
A go-cart riding date
A date to a romantic movie
A date to go shopping for new clothes together
A date to a downtown nightclub or dance club
A date to walk your dogs together
A date to a stock car race
A date to go target shooting or a shooting range together
A date to read to each other at the park on a nice day
An overnight date at a nearby bed-and-breakfast
A date to a local antique shop
A romantic sledding date on a snowy day
A date to a wishing well to make wishes together
A date to a wrestling match
A date to a local winery
A date to go bungee jumping together
A date to a friend or family member’s wedding
A date to local garage sales to go treasure hunting
A hunting date
A date to go skydiving together
A date to listen to the symphony together
A romantic hot air balloon ride
A date to play Frisbee together at the park
A date to a local amusement park to ride roller coasters
A date to a rock concert
A date to the casino to learn a new game together

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