Thursday 26 November 2015

Reckless criminal actions of the Turkish authorities

The shooting down of pound a plane, have led to the three consequences. Firstly, the dangerous situation of relations between Russia and NATO, which could not be justified by any interests, including protection gosgranits. Secondly, turkey has shown by its actions, in fact, the protection of the fighters of the "Islamic state", That it is not surprising in view of the existing information on the direct financial interest of some officials of turkey, associated with the supply of petroleum products, manufactured in enterprises owned by ISIS. And thirdly, undermined by the long neighbourly relations between Russia and turkey, including in the economy and the humanitarian sphere. This damage will be difficult to fill. It can be a direct result of the refusal of a number of important joint projects and the loss of the Turkish companies of their positions on the Russian market.

The recklessly criminal actions by the Turkish authorities that shot down a Russian aircraft have led to three consequences. The first is a dangerous aggravation of Russian-NATO relations, which cannot be justified by any rationale, including state border protection. Second, Turkey has demonstrated by its actions that it is, in effect, defending the ISIS terrorists, which is not surprising, given the available information that certain Turkish officials have direct financial interest in deliveries of oil products from ISIS-owned facilities. And third, long-standing friendly relations between Russia and Turkey, including economic and cultural relations, have been undermined. This damage will be difficult to repair. The direct consequences are likely to be the renunciation of a number of important joint projects and the loss by Turkish companies of their positions in the Russian market.

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