Sunday 6 December 2015

UK Begins Bombing Syria Hours After Vote Passes

After USA, Canada, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Jordan and Bahrain, now UK bombing Syria, too.
Fire with fire? Be prepared for more terrorism and more refugees since the global war on terrorism has created nothing but 10 times more terrorism since 2001.

Despite Cameron’s statement that “we’re going to need to be patient and persistent,” the U.K. has wasted little time plotting its attacks. The BBC reported that immediately following Parliament’s vote, four Tornados took off from  RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. It has been said that the jets have already returned to base after having carried out a successful mission, bombing the Omar oil fields in eastern Syria. The Omar oil fields were seized by ISIS in 2013. CNN reported that this particular oil field may represent up to 10% of ISIS income and is possibly why it was the first target for the U.K.

What will the U.K.’s involvement in the fight against ISIS accomplish? Some believe it will only increase the threatof terrorism. Kumar Ramakrishna of Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University told the Huffington Post ISIS knows it stands no chance of defeating the allies, but rather, that the group wants to “raise the domestic costs of Western coalition diplomatic and military involvement in Syria and Iraq.” If that is their plan, they are executing it adeptly — at the cost of many innocent lives.

Do you believe the U.K.’s involvement in further military intervention will have a positive effect on the fight against the Islamic State?

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